symconfigure commands

The symconfigure command can be used to perform control operations or configuration changes on Symmetrix arrays, and the array devices, groups, directors, and ports.

Below list contains some of the most useful symconfigure command examples.

  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "activate dev AAAA:AAAB in pool MyThinPool , type = thin;" commit

    Activate DATA devices AAAA:AAAB in thin pool for use.Reads and writes can be done on allocated or unallocated space on Activated DATA devices.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "add dev AAA:AAB to pool MyThinPool, type=thin, member_state=ENABLE;" commit

    Add the DATA devices AAA to AAB to MyTHinPool and enable its state.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "add dev AAAA:AAAB to pool MyDSEPool, type=rdfa_dse, member_state=ENABLE;" commit

    Add SAVEDEVices AAAA:AAAB to DSE pool MyDSEPool and enable.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "add dev AAAA:AAAB to pool MySnapPool, type=snap, member_state=ENABLE;" commit

    Add SAVEDEVices AAAA:AAAB to SANP pool MySnapPool and enable.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "add dir slot_num = 1 type=FA;" commit

    Add FA emulation to the director 1 in vmax3 array 1234
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "add dir slot_num = 1 type=RA;" commit

    Add RDF emulation to the director 1 in vmax3 array 1234
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "associate port 4,5 to dir 1D;" commit

    Associate ports 4 and 5 to the FA port 1D.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "associate port 6,7 to dir 1E;" commit

    Associate ports 6 and 7 to the RA port 1E.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "bind tdev AAA to pool MyPool preallocate size=ALL ;" commit

    Bind the device AAA to thin pool MyPool and prellocate the entire size of device.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "bind tdev AAA:AAB to pool MyPool preallocate size =5GB ;" commit

    Bind the TDEVS AAA and AAB( of 10GB each ) to thin pool MyPool and preallocate 5GB for each device.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "bind tdev AAA:AAB to pool MyPool;" commit

    Bind the TDEVS AAA and AAB to thin pool MyPool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "bind tdev in SG Server1_SG to pool My_Pool;" commit

    Bind the devices in Storage Group "Server1_SG" to thin pool "My_Pool"
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "convert rdf dev AAA to dynamic;" commit

    convert static SRDF device AAA to dynamic device.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=10, size=1025, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;" commit

    Create 10 thin devices of cylinder size 1025( around 1GB ) with emulation type as FBA.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=10, size=10GB, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, binding to pool=MyPool,preallocate size=5GB ;" commit

    Create 10 thin devices of size 20GB with emulation type as FBA , bind to thin pool MyPool and prellocate 5GB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=10, size=10GB, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, binding to pool=MyPool;" commit

    Create 10 thin devices of size 20GB with emulation type as FBA and also bind to thin pool MyPool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=10, size=18414, emulation=FBA, data_member_count=3, config=RAID-5, disk_group=2, dynamic_capability=dyn_rdf;" commit

    Create 10 RAID-5 devices of size 18414 cylinders , as emulation FBA from diskgroup 2 and also set the dynamic bit on those.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=10, size=20GB, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;" commit

    Create 10 thin devices of size 20GB with emulation type as FBA.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create dev count=4, config=RAID-5, data_member_count=3, attribute=datadev, emulation=FBA, size=2GB, disk_group=1;" commit

    Create 4 RAID-5 DATADEVS of 2GB each in diskgroup1 with FBA emulation.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create gatekeeper count=10,emulation=FBA,type=thin;" commit

    Create 10 thin GateKeeper devices of emulation FBA. The size of each device will be ~3MB/3 cylinders.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create gatekeeper count=10,emulation=FBA;" commit

    Create 10 thick gatekeeper devices of FBA emulation. The size of each device will be ~3MB/3 cylinders.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create pool My_DSE_pool ,type = rdfa_dse;" commit

    Create a DSE pool for RDF Asynchronous operations.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create pool My_Snap_pool ,type = snap;" commit

    Create a SNAP pool for snapshot operations.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create pool My_Thinpool ,type = thin;" commit

    Create a thin pool .
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "create pool ThinPool1 type =thin;" commit

    Create thinpool named "ThinPool1"
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "deactivate dev AAAA:AAAB in pool MyThinPool , type = thin;" commit

    Activate DATA devices AAAA:AAAB in thin pool for use.Reads and writes can be done on already allocated space on Activated DATA devices.No new allocations can be done on deactivated DATA devices.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "delete dev AAA:AAB;" commit

    delete the symdevs AAA:AAB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "delete pool My_Snap_pool ,type = snap;" commit

    Delete SNAP pool My_Snap_pool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "delete pool MyThinPool , type=thin;" commit

    Delete an empty thin pool called MyThinPool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "delete pool My_DSE_pool ,type = rdfa_dse;" commit

    Delete DSE pool My_DSE_pool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "delete pool My_Thinpool ,type = thin;" commit

    Delete thin pool My_Thinpool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "disable dev AAA:AAB in pool MyThinPool, type=thin;" commit

    Disable DATA devices AAA and AAB in MyThinPool. If the DATA device to be used for thin extent allocation , it should be on enabled state. Once it is disabled , we can remove the DATA devices from thin pool. Symmetrix automatically initiates drain operation on disabled DATA devices without any disruption to the application. Once all the allocated extents are drained to other DATA devices, the disabled DATA devices can be removed from the thin pool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "disassociate port 4,5 from dir 1D;" commit

    Disassociate ports 5 and 6 from the RA port 1D.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "disassociate port 6,7 from dir 1E;" commit

    Disassociate ports 6 and 7 from the RA port 1E.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "dissolve meta dev AAAA:AAAF,BBBB;" commit

    dissolve meta heads AAAA to AAAF and BBBB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "enable dev AAA:AAB in pool MyThinPool, type=thin;" commit

    Enable the DATA devices AAA and AAB in MyThinPool.Once enabled , a data device in a thin pool , can be use to allocate extents to its bounded thin devices.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "enable rdfa on ra_group 100,make_group_swappable=TRUE;" commit

    Enable RDF Asynchronous on rdf group 100 and make that role swappable.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "enable rdfa on ra_group 100;" commit

    Enable RDF Asynchronous on rdf group 100
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "form meta from dev AAA, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev AAB to meta AAA;" commit

    Create a 2 member striped meta; AAA as meta head and AAB as member
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "form meta from dev AAAA, config=concatenated;add dev AAAB to meta AAAA;" commit

    Create 2 member concatenated meta device , AAAA as meta head.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "form meta from dev AAAA, config=striped, stripe_size=1920;add dev AAAB to meta AAAA;" commit

    Create 2 member striped meta , device AAAA as meta head.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "map dev AAAA to dir 3e:0 lun=AF;" commit

    Map device AAAA to FA port 3e:0 , with lun id as AF
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "rebind tdev AAAA:AAAB to pool T2_2TB;" commit

    Bind devices AAAA:AAAB , which are already bounded to a thin pool , to another thin pool T2_2TB.The already written data on the earlier bounded pool will not migrated to the newly bounded pool.The upcoming writes will go to the newly bounded pool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "remove dev AAA from pool MyThinPool, type=thin;" commit

    Remove DATA device AAA from MyTHinPool.AAA must be disabled before executing this command.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "remove dev AAAB from meta AAAA;" commit

    Remove a meta member AAAB from meta AAAA.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "remove dir 1D;" commit

    Remove FA emulation from the director 1 in vmax3 array 1234
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "remove dir 1E;" commit

    Remove RDF emulation from the director 1 in vmax3 array 1234
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "rename pool MyOldThinPool to MyNewThinPool type = thin;" commit

    Rename thin pool MyOldThinPool to MyNewThinPool .
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "rename pool My_Thinpool to My_New_Thinpool type =thin;" commit

    Rename thin pool My_Thinpool to My_New_Thinpool.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "rename SRP SRP_1 to MY_SRP;" commit

    Rename the Storage Resource Pool SRP_1 to MY_SRP.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "reserve dev AAA;" -owner Rajesh -comment "Reserved for Migration" reserve -nop

    Reserve the device AAA for migration.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set dev AAA attribute=dyn_rdf;" preview

    With 'cmd" option we can mention the commands to be executed along with the symconfigure command itself and thus avoid the creation of a command file.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set dev AAAA attribute=NO RCVRPNT_TAG;" preview

    Remove the RecoverPoint Tag from the device AAAA
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set dev AAAA attribute=RCVRPNT_TAG;" preview

    Set the RecoverPoint Tag to the device AAAA
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set dev AAAA device_name='testdevice' ;" commit

    set the device_name identifier for device "AAAA" as "testdevice".These devices can be listed by command "symdev -sid 1234 list -identifier device_name" .
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set dev AAAA NO device_name ; " commit

    Remove the device_name identifier ,"testdevice" for device AAAA.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set device ABCD emulation=CELERRA_FBA;" commit

    Convert FBA Device ABCD to a CELERA Device.( The current emulation type of the device ABCD is FBA.)
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set device ABCD emulation=FBA;" commit

    Convert a CELERA_FBA device to FBA.(the existing emulation type of device ABCD is CELERA_FBA)
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set disk_group 5, disk_group_name = Tier2_400GB;" commit

    Assign a name "Tier2_400GB" to disk group 5.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set pool MyThinPool, type=thin, max_subs_percent=150;" commit

    set the maximum over subscription ratio of thin pool to 150%. If want to keep unlimited ratio , give value as "none".
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set sl Gold name=RealGold;" commit

    Rename the SLO Gold to RealGold
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set symmetrix concurrent_rdf=ENABLE;" commit

    Enable the concurrent SRDF Feature in a Symmetric Array.This will enable to create SRDF-R1 devices with multiple R2s.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set symmetrix dynamic_concurrent_rdf=ENABLE;" commit

    enable the concurrent SRDF capability in the array level, where can have multiple R2s for a single R1 dynamic rdf device.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "set symmetrix dynamic_rdf=ENABLE;" commit

    Enable the Dynamic RDF capabilty of the array.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "start allocate on tdev AAAA:AABB start_cyl=0 end_cyl = last_cyl;" commit

    Allocate the tdevs AAAA to AABB to 100% of its defined size.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "start free on tdev AAA:AAF start_cyl =0 end_cyl = last_cyl;" commit

    Reclaim the allocated but unwritten space of thin pool space for the mentioned tdevs.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "start reclaim on tdev AAA:AAF allocate_type = persistent;" commit

    Reclaim the allocated but unwritten space as well as the allocated thin pool space completely written with zeros, even it is allocated as persistent .
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "start reclaim on tdev AAA:AAF;" commit

    Reclaim the allocated but unused space as well as the pool space completely written with zeros.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unbind tdev AAAA:AAAB from pool T2_2TB;" commit

    Unbind thin devices AAAA to AAAB from it bounded thin pool T2_2TB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unbind tdev in DG Server_1_dg from pool T2_2TB;" commit

    Unbind all the thin devices as part of device group Server_1_dg, from its bounded thin pool ,T2_2TB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unbind tdev in SG Server_1_sg from pool T2_2TB;" commit

    Unbind all the thin devices as part of Storage group Server_1_wg, from its bounded thin pool ,T2_2TB.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unmap dev AAAA:AAAB from dir ALL:ALL;" commit

    Unmap devices AAAA and AAAB from all the mapped FA ports.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unmap dev AAAA:AAAB from dir 3e:0;" commit

    Unmap devices AAAA and AAAB only from the mapped FA port, 3e:0.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unmap dev AAAA:AAAB from dir 3e:ALL;" commit

    Unmap devices AAAA and AAAB only from the mapped FA ports, 3e:0 and 3e:1.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -cmd "unmap dev AAAA:AAAB from dir ALL:ALL,devmask_access = remove;" commit

    unmap devices AAAA and AAAB from all the mapped FA ports, also removes the masking.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -f command_file.txt commit

    Apply the changes defined in the command file.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -f command_file.txt prepare

    The prepare option will validate the command syntax and Verify the appropriateness of the changes and operations.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 -f command_file.txt preview

    Validate the syntax of the commands in 'command_file.txt' and also verify the configuration changes.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 abort

    Abort a configuration session started earlier.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 list -freespace -units mb

    Shows the Formatted and Unformatted freespace in MegaBytes on array 1234
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 list -reserved

    List the reserved devices in array 1234.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 list -v

    Shows the configuration informations like the micro-code version , whether the Dynamic RDF is enabled or not etc..
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 query

    Check the status of a running configuration change.
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 release -reserve_id 10 -nop

    Release the reservation on device(s).
  • symconfigure -sid 1234 verify

    Verify the current symmetrix configuration is ready for a configuration change.

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