puredrive commands

The puredrive command provides information about the Flash Drives and NVRAM modules in Pure Flash Storage Array

Below list contains some of the most useful puredrive commands.

  • puredrive admit

    Admit all drive modules that have been added or connected but not yet admitted to the array. Once successfully admitted, the status of the drive modules will change from unadmitted to healthy.
  • puredrive list

    List all the flash drive modules in an Array. This will also display the capacity of each module.
  • puredrive list --spec

    List all the flash drive modules in an Array along with Protocol( SAS/NVME) information
  • puredrive list --total

    List all the flash drive modules in an Array with the total capacity figure
  • puredrive list CH0.BAY10

    Display information about flash drive BAY10 in CH0
  • puredrive list CH0.BAY10 --pack

    Display information about flash drive BAY10 in CH0 and all other drives in the same pack

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