pureconfig commands

The pureconfig command provides commands to reproduce the current Pure Flash Storage Array configuration

Below list contains some of the most useful pureconfig commands.

  • pureconfig list

    Display list of commands to reproduce the volumes, hosts, host groups, connections, network, alert and array configurations. Copying this and running in another array will create an exact copy.
  • pureconfig list --all

    Displays all the commands required to reproduce the current FlashAarray configuration of hosts, host groups, pods, protection groups, volumes, volume groups, connections, file systems and directories, alert, network, policies, and support.
  • pureconfig list --object

    Displays the object configuration of the FlashArray including hosts, host groups, pods, protection groups, volumes, volume groups, and connections, as well as file systems and directories if file services are enabled.
  • pureconfig list --system

    Displays the system configuration of the flah array including network, policies, alert and support

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