purepod commands

The pureaudit command create and Manage PODs for Synchronous replication in Pure Flash Storage Array

Below list contains some of the most useful purepod commands.

  • purepod add --array PFAX70-REMOTE MYPOD001

    Add the remote array PFAX70-REMOTE to the POD MYPOD001. This will stretch the POD and volume data inside the POD synchronously replicated between two arrays. The arrays in a stretched POD are considered as peers, there is no concept of source and target. Volumes within the POD will be visible in each arrays with same serial numbers.
  • purepod clone MYPOD001 MYPOD002

    Clone pod MYPOD001 and create MYPOD002. MYPOD002 inherits the entire history and configuration of the MYPOD001 including its protection groups, PG snap shots and replication policies. volumes, volume snapshots etc. However Serial number(WWN) of the volumes will be different from the source POD volumes.
  • purepod create MYPOD001

    Create a POD called MYPOD001
  • purepod create MYPOD001 MYPOD002

    Create PODs named MYPOD001 and MYPOD002
  • purepod demote MYPOD001

    Demote the pod MYPOD001
  • purepod destroy MYPOD001

    Destroy or delete POD MYPOD001. The POD must be empty and unstretched to destroy. POD will not be destructed immediately, but placed under 24hr eradication pending period.
  • purepod destroy MYPOD001 MYPOD002

    Destroy or delete PODs MYPOD001 MYPOD002. The PODs must be empty and unstretched to destroy. PODs will not be destructed immediately, but placed under 24hr eradication pending period.
  • purepod eradicate MYPOD001

    Completely delete or eradicate POD MYPOD001. The POD will not recover after this.
  • purepod eradicate MYPOD001 MYPOD002

    Completely delete or eradicate PODs MYPOD001 MYPOD002. The PODs will not recover after this.
  • purepod list

    List all the PODs in the Pure Flash array. This will shows the arrays in POD and status of each.
  • purepod list --failover-preference

    List all the pods with its failover preferences. Failover preference determines which array within a stretched pod should give preference to stay online if the arrays ever lose contact with each other. If both arrays reach mediator, the failover preference determines which array get to be online. But if only one array reach to mediator, then that array will be online regardless of the preference.
  • purepod list --footprint

    Display all the pods along with the maximum physical capacity that each will take on the array
  • purepod list --mediator

    List all the pods along with connectivity status from each array to the mediator.
  • purepod list --on ARRAY02

    Display all the pods on the connected arry ARRAY02 and not stretched to the current array( ARRAY001)
  • purepod list --pending

    List all the PODs including destroyed, but not eradicated
  • purepod list --pending-only

    List only the PODs which are destroyed, but not eradicated
  • purepod list MYPOD001

    List the detail of POD MYPOD001
  • purepod listobj --type array MYPOD001

    List all the arrays included in MYPOD001
  • purepod listobj --type vol MYPOD001

    List all the volumes included in MYPOD001
  • purepod recover MYPOD001

    Recover MYPOD001 which is destroyed earlier.
  • purepod remove --array PFAX70-REMOTE MYPOD001

    Remove the remote array PFAX70-REMOTE from the POD MYPOD001. This will unstretch the POD and volume data inside the POD no longer synchronously replicated between two arrays. Volumes within the POD will be only visible in local array.
  • purepod rename MYPOD001 YOURPOD001

    Change the name of POD from MYPOD001 to YOURPOD001
  • purepod replica-link create PRDPOD001 --remote ARRAY002 --remote-pod DRPOD001

    Create a replica link between PRDPOD001 on current array(ARRY001) and DRPOD001 on remote array ARRAY002.
  • purepod replica-link delete PRDPOD001 --remote-pod DRPOD001

    Delete the replica link between PRDPOD001 and remote pod DRPOD001
  • purepod replica-link list

    List the replica links in the current array
  • purepod replica-link monitor --replication

    Monitor the data transfer speed on the replica links on the array. If the replication link is pause, the speed will show as 0
  • purepod replica-link pause PRDPOD001 --remote ARRAY002 --remote-pod DRPOD001

    Pause the Active/DR replication by pausing the replica link connection between local and remote array. To continue the replication resume the replica link
  • purepod replica-link resume PRDPOD001 --remote ARRAY002 --remote-pod DRPOD001

    Resume the Active/DR replication by resuming the replica link connection between local and remote array. To continue the replication resume the replica link
  • purepod setattr --failover-preference ARRAY002 MYPOD001

    Set the failover preference for pod MYPOD001 on current array ARRAY01.MYPOD001 has arrays ARRAY01 and ARRAY02. If the arrays lose contact each other ARRY002 should get priority over ARRAY001 to reach the mediator first.

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