pureport commands

The pureport command displays Flash Array Host Connection Ports in Pure Flash Storage Array

Below list contains some of the most useful pureport commands.

  • pureport list

    Display all the target ports within the Flash Array. This includes FC, iSCSI and NVME ports. This command also displays WWNs of FC ports iSCSI Qualified Names(IQNs) for iSCSI ports and NVMe Qualified Names(NQNs) for NVMe ports.
  • pureport list --initiator

    Display all the host initiator WWNs, IQNs, NQNs known for the Flash Array. This also shows the target ports on which the initiators are eligible to communicate.
  • pureport list --initiator --raw --filter "initiator.wwn='1000000000000001'"

    Search for HBA WWN 1000000000000001 and on which FC port its been logged in to.
  • pureport list --initiator --raw --filter "name='CT0.FC0'"

    Display all HBA WWNs logged to the FC port CT0.FC0
  • pureport list --raw --filter "name='*ETH*'"

    Display all the iSCSI Ports with its IQNs in the Flash Arrays
  • pureport list --raw --filter "name='*FC*'"

    Display all the Fibre Channel Ports with its WWNs in the Flash Arrays
  • pureport list --raw --filter "name='CT0.FC*'"

    Display all the Fibre Channel Ports in Controller 0 with its WWNs in the Flash Arrays

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